#Renalhypoplasia #Renalatrophy
Many people present with one or 2 small or shrunken kidneys and could be secondary to many causes with no or few symptoms. This video is all about these causes and treatment of the same.
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#Renalhypoplasia #Renalatrophy
Many people present with one or 2 small or shrunken kidneys and could be secondary to many causes with no or few symptoms. This video is all about these causes and treatment of the same.
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In this video, we have explained what is atrophy and what are the main types and causes of atrophy.
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#atrophy #whatisatrophy #atrophymadeeasy #atrophyexplained #atrophypathology #atrophymeaning #atrophytypes #medboard
Knowing the warning signs of a kidney infection, or pyelonephritis, could save your life. If not treated quickly and properly, a kidney infection can damage your kidneys so badly that they no longer work, which is a life-threatening situation. This video lists the warning signs of a kidney infections and explains why a kidney infection can be so dangerous.
Have you ever had kidney problems or a kidney infection? What were your symptoms. Feel free to comment below.👇
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Here are some other videos and websites that offer more information about kidney infections.
Kidney Pain Symptoms – Signs Of Kidney Stones, Kidney Infection, Renal Failure
Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments for Kidney Infection
Kidney infection – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic
What Are The Warning Signs Of Kidney Infection, pyelonephritis, kidney damage, kidney failure, stinging urination, bloody urine, painful urination, kidney infection symptoms, back pain, side pain
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Nephrology and Urology deal with kidneys and its problem. A nephrologist deals with problems of the kidney with medicines and a urologist deals with kidney ailments that require surgery. Any ailments in the urinary system, prostate, bladder and penis which require surgical intervention are tended to by a urologist.
Dr. Abhinav Jain, Consultant – Urology and Kidney Transplant at Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi, talks about the difference between Nephrology and Urology.
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Happening now! As part of #KidneyActionWeek, share your questions about living with stage 3 kidney disease and high blood pressure to be answered LIVE by our expert panel.
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