Knowing the warning signs of a kidney infection, or pyelonephritis, could save your life. If not treated quickly and properly, a kidney infection can damage your kidneys so badly that they no longer work, which is a life-threatening situation. This video lists the warning signs of a kidney infections and explains why a kidney infection can be so dangerous.
Have you ever had kidney problems or a kidney infection? What were your symptoms. Feel free to comment below.👇
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Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments for Kidney Infection
Kidney infection – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic
What Are The Warning Signs Of Kidney Infection, pyelonephritis, kidney damage, kidney failure, stinging urination, bloody urine, painful urination, kidney infection symptoms, back pain, side pain Video Rating: / 5
Nephrology and Urology deal with kidneys and its problem. A nephrologist deals with problems of the kidney with medicines and a urologist deals with kidney ailments that require surgery. Any ailments in the urinary system, prostate, bladder and penis which require surgical intervention are tended to by a urologist.
Dr. Abhinav Jain, Consultant – Urology and Kidney Transplant at Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi, talks about the difference between Nephrology and Urology.
For video consultation with the doctor, log on to
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Happening now! As part of #KidneyActionWeek, share your questions about living with stage 3 kidney disease and high blood pressure to be answered LIVE by our expert panel. Video Rating: / 5
Mehr nachlesen über das Pankreas unter ⏩
Das Pankreas: keine Verdauung und Insulin ohne Bauchspeicheldrüse?
Das Pankreas ist auch bekannt unter der Bezeichnung Bauchspeicheldrüse. Das Wort „Pankreas“ kommt aus dem Griechischen und lässt sich von „pan“ für „alles“, und „kreas“ für „Fleisch“ ableiten. Das Pankreas ist länglich geformt und insgesamt zwischen 12 und 23 Zentimeter lang und zwischen 3 und 5 cm breit. Sie wiegt zwischen 70 und 150 g. Die Bauchspeicheldrüse liegt im Oberbauch hinter dem Bauchfell und verläuft dort quer.
– dreiteilig (Kopf, Körper, Schwanz)
– funktional zweigeteilt in exokrine und endokrine Pankreas
– Herstellung von Hormonen (Insulin und Glucagon) für die Blutzuckerregulation
– Herstellung von Verdauungssekret
Erkrankungen des Pankreas werden vor allem durch vier wesentliche Symptome angekündigt. Diese gelten als Leitsymptome und sind somit Indizien, dass etwas mit dem Organ nicht stimmen könnte. Chronische, gürtelförmige Oberbauchschmerzen können bis in den Rücken strahlen. Grund dafür ist die anatomische Lage des Pankreas; dieser liegt direkt an der Wirbelsäule. Die Schmerzen verschlimmern sich häufig in der Rückenlage.
Ein weiteres Symptom ist der Ikterus. Ein weiterer Begriff dafür ist die sog. ‚Gelbsucht ‘. Die charakteristische Gelbverfärbung von Haut und Augenweiß sind die Folge eines behinderten Abflusses der Galle. Zusätzlich verfärbt sich der Urin dunkel. Gelbsucht tritt schmerzlos auf. Ursache für einen behinderten Gallenabfluss kann bspw. ein Tumor im Pankreaskopf sein. Ein sog. Gummibauch ist ein ebenfalls häufig auftretendes Symptom im Zusammenhang mit Pankreas-Erkrankungen (z.B. Pankreatitis).
❎ Ich habe eine exklusive Playlist über alle unsere wichtigen Organe, deren Aufgaben, Anatomie & wichtige Erkrankungen, gerne anschauen ✅
Kann ich auch ohne meine Bauchspeicheldrüse leben?
Ja, allerdings müssen Sie einige Einschränkungen beachten. Unsere Bauchspeicheldrüse ist ein sehr wichtiges Organ: Wir benötigen es für die Verdauungsprozesse als auch zur Regulation unseres Blutzuckerspiegels. Fehlt es, können diese beiden Prozesse nicht richtig ablaufen. Die Folge sind dann Verdauungsbeschwerden und erhöhter Blutzucker und damit die Gefahr von Diabetes mellitus! Menschen, die keinen Pankreas haben, erhalten deswegen die Pankreasenzyme und das Insulin medikamentös verabreicht.
Mit „Video-Visite Dr. Weigl“ haben Sie den aktuellen und medizinisch-wissenschaftlichen Kanal gefunden, der Themen rund um die Bereiche Schmerzen, #Medizin und #Gesundheit verständlich aber basierend auf Fakten, Richtlinien und Studien beschreibt. Insbesondere gehe ich dabei auf Volkskrankheiten wie Rückenschmerzen aber auch grundlegende Informationen wie z.B. über unser #Pankreas, ein.
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Rechtlicher Hinweis / Disclaimer: Die Videos dienen ausschließlich Ihrer Information und ersetzt niemals eine persönliche Beratung, Untersuchung oder Diagnose beim approbierten, qualifizierten Facharzt. Insbesondere bei Medikamenten gilt es Rücksprache mit Ihrem Arzt zu führen und die Packungsbeilage zu beachten. Die zur Verfügung gestellten Inhalte können und dürfen nicht zur Erstellung eigenständiger Diagnosen verwendet werden. Haftung ausgeschlossen.
Did you know chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects 37 million U.S. adults? As many as 9 in 10 people are not aware that they have CKD. Being an active participant in your kidney care is important. Watch this video to learn a few ways you can build your own personalized path to better kidney care.
For more tips on kidney health and to learn more about NIDDK kidney research, visit
Building paths to better kidney care.
Chronic kidney disease, also called CKD, is a serious condition that affects 1 in 7 U.S. adults – that’s 37 million people.
In the past, CKD was considered a single disease with a single care plan. Research now shows there are different types of CKD that may require unique care plans beyond a one-size-fits-all approach.
NIDDK is changing the way we understand, treat, and prevent kidney disease. Discoveries from innovative research are revealing new paths that could allow health care professionals to provide better treatments tailored to the type of CKD and to the individual.
No matter the path you choose, being an active participant in your care is important. Work alongside your health care team to identify the treatment plan that fits your lifestyle, mobility, health status, and dietary needs.
Your path can include physical activity, like walking or taking the stairs, to help you stay active and manage your weight…
…a healthy meal plan with foods you enjoy…
…or a sleep routine that helps you get enough rest.
Every choice you make to improve your kidney health can also help you manage your overall health.
If a part of your plan no longer works or if your kidney disease gets worse, let your health care team know and discuss other paths you can take to get back on track.
The path you travel to reach your health goals may be different than someone else’s, and that’s ok. What’s most important is taking the path that works for you.
Start building your path to better kidney care today! For more tips on kidney health and to learn more about NIDDK kidney research, visit
In this video, Dr. Bibekananda Panda, Clinical Director and Head of the Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Department at CARE Hospitals in Bhubaneswar, sheds light on kidney problems commonly observed in older women. He emphasizes that as one grows older, the likelihood of developing kidney diseases increases. However, Dr. Panda highlights the significance of early detection and effective management, as they can significantly enhance the lifespan and functionality of the kidneys in older women.
To know more about Dr. Bibekananda Panda visit
For consultation call – 040 6720 6588
CARE Hospitals Group is a multi-speciality healthcare provider with 16 healthcare facilities serving 8 cities across 6 states in India. Today CARE Hospitals Group is the regional leader in South and Central India and is among the top 5 Pan-Indian hospital chains. It delivers comprehensive care in over 30 clinical specialities such as Cardiac Sciences, Oncology, Neurosciences, Renal Sciences, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement, ENT, Vascular Surgery, Emergency & Trauma, and Integrated Organ Transplants to name a few. With its state-of-the-art infrastructure, an internationally-certified team of eminent doctors, and a caring environment, CARE Hospitals Group is the preferred healthcare destination for people living in India and abroad.
To know more visit our website –
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Coming to theaters soon, coming-of-age anime film: I want to eat your pancreas.
Based on Yoru Sumino’s award winning novel, the film explores the relationship of two young highschoolers in what is promised to be a visually stunning masterpiece full of emotion. Animation production by Studio VOLN and directed by Shinichiro Ushijima, “I want to eat you pancreas” features the voice talents of award winning actor Mahiro Takasugi and popular voice actress Lynn.
About I want to eat your pancreas:
With no interest in others, a high schooler spends all of his time reading books – this is “me.”
One day, I come across a book, titled “Living With Dying.”
It turns out to be a secret journal kept by Sakura Yamauchi,
who is a popular girl in class with a genuine personality.
Diagnosed with a pancreatic illness, the diary notes about her limited time left.
Sakura, who lives with a secret illness, and “me,” who keeps her secret.
— Their relationship doesn’t have a name yet.
More information to follow at:
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (kimi no suizou wo tabetai) is one sad anime, brothers.
I want to eat your pancreas had be crying hella hard its’ the saddst anime ever omg! My reaction was to cry it will make you cry because it’s one sad anime amirite????anyway if you want the best sad anime like I want to eat your pancreas, yoru sumino or if you wanna get emotional let me know ok? DEATH. Anime is my job, Scamboli Reviews out.
Reata CEO Warren Huff discusses his company’s new drug, which has shown signs it can reverse kidney damage.
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If you’re concerned about your kidney health, there are 10 warning signs you should be aware of. Liver disease can be deadly and often goes unnoticed, with symptoms often only appearing in advanced stages.
Kidney disease is similarly dangerous, with symptoms that can be ignored until the condition becomes critical. It’s important to recognize and acknowledge the symptoms of kidney disease early on.
Here are the top 10 signs to watch out for.
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Please note that the information and materials presented on the Care Central channel are for educational and general purposes only and do not
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with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you believe you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider immediately. Video Rating: / 5
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Function of kidney is excretion of waste material in the form of urine. When kidneys are not able to function properly, problem starts arising either in the form of kidneyy shrinkage or if the size is normal then also creatinine and urea level start rising as the kidneys are not able to filter blood properly.
Kidney shrinkage is a problem that decreases the size of kidneys. Shrinkage can be noticed either in one kidney or both of the kidneys.
Causes are as follows-
1. Renal Artery Stenosis- Artery which carries blood to the kidneys gets narrowed hamperimg the functioning of kidneys as kidneys does not get proper nourishment causing atrophy. This causes kidney shrinkage and decreases functioning of kidneys. Toxins start accumulating as excretion through urine is not happening.
2. Pyelonephritis- Pyelo means pus formation and Nephritis means inflammation in nephrons. In this condition it is observed that the patient is suffering from long term UTI(Urinary Tract Infection). UTI is commonly seen in females. It might be due to gram-negative bacteria or viral infection. Urine Culture Sensitivity Test is used to detect the cause of UTI. Urine Culture Sensitivity Test tells whether it is aerobic growth or infection. If the patient complains of frequent urination or burning sensation while urinating then the patient should go for Urine Routine Test. Long-term UTI infection can travel to the kidneys. Minimum medication should give maximized results. When UTI gets converted to Pyelonephritis, the size of one kidney is normal while the other is shrinking.
At Sai Sanjivani, we determine the cause of kidney failure. It might be due to-
–High Sugar Level
–High Blood Pressure
Kidney Atrophy might be seen due to Tuberculosis
3. High Blood Pressure- One of the main reason behind kidney failure is high blood pressure. Patient’s Ultrasound determines kidney shrinkage. High blood pressure should be controlled through diet, exercise or medicines.
4. Diabetes- Diabetic patients should keep a check and control their sugar level levels as it can later on cause kidney failure.
We at Sai Sanjivani diagnose the root bcause of kidney failure and start KFRT(Kidney Function Restoration Treatment). KFRT focuses on diet regime and herbal medicines that increase kidney functioning. By increasing functioning of kidneys, waste material start flushing out from the body. Urine Routine Test should be performed to know if there is any condition that is damaging kidneys.
Protein loss in Urine Routine Test indicates intensity of kidney damage. Along with KFRT Kidney Routine Test should be performed.
In this video Doctor O’Donovan explains the Ca 19-9 lab test including 1. What Ca 19-9 is 2. Why the test is used 3. What the result of the test might mean.
Cancer antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) is a protein that exists on the surface of certain cells. CA 19-9 does not cause cancer; rather, it is a protein that is produced by the tumour cells, making it useful as a tumour marker to follow the course of the cancer.
CA 19-9 is elevated in most patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, but it may also be elevated in other cancers and diseases such as bowel cancer, lung cancer and gall bladder cancer, as well as in benign diseases such as gall stones, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, and liver disease. Because elevated levels of CA 19-9 are seen in many diseases, elevated levels do not necessary mean the presence of pancreatic cancer. Very small amounts of CA19-9 may also be found in healthy patients
For more information see:
For more information on pancreatic cancer (including signs and symptoms):
Additional video on pancreatic cancer WARNING SIGNS:
The video is intended as an educational resource only. The information within this video or on this channel isn’t designed to replace professional input, so if you have any medical issues please consult a medical provider. No professional relationship is being created by watching this video. Dr. O’Donovan cannot give any individual medical advice. All information should be verified for accuracy by the individual user. Dr O’Donovan accepts no responsibility for individual interpretation of data, although it is always accurate to the best of his knowledge at the time of the video being published. This is an EDUCATIONAL video. Images are used in accordance with fair use guidelines. No individual advice can be given about interpretation of lab results.
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Content provided via YouTube is for general information purposes ONLY. Information videos are not produced to provide individualised medical advice. Medical education videos on Doctor O’Donovan are not a substitute for professional professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. NEVER ignore professional medical advice because of something you have heard here. ALWAYS consult your doctor regarding any concerns about your condition or treatment. EDUCATION ONLY. Video Rating: / 5