Archive for the 'diabetes' Category

The Mechanism of Insulin Release by Pancreatic β-cells

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This video dissects the mechanism by which the Pancreatic β-cells sense blood glucose levels and secrete a proportional amount of insulin through negative feedback.

Diabetes & Pancreas

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The pancreas is in the middle of the stomach, next to the kidneys and underneath the liver. The main culprit of the pancreas is a hormone that produces insulin in it, explains Lois Exelbert, Nurse Diabetes Educator and Patient Care Manager with Baptist Hospital of Miami.
She states insulin enables people to break down sugar from food. If there isn’t sufficient insulin, that sugar remains in the bloodstream.
In type one diabetes, it has to be replaced completely and it’s important to determine how it is causing the insulin reduction, she says. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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Diabetes is a condition primarily involving the pancreas, explains Lois Exelbert, Nurse Diabetes Educator and Patient Care Manager with Baptist Hospital with a graphic.
She describes, throughout the pancreas there are areas called islets of Langerhans, which have a lot of cells but one of them, the beta cell, produces insulin.
Insulin helps the body to use sugar from food, because every kind of food is converted to sugar. Without insulin, sugar will remain in the bloodstream without entering the cells of patients’ bodies for energy. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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Pancreas Echo-Endoscopy & biopsy

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Pancreas Echo-Endoscopy & biopsy

Gastroenterologists may work alongside anesthesiologists to provide sedation. Intravenous fluids and the anesthetics are suppled via an IV catheter. When indicated an antibiotic may be given. Most patients are usually in deep sleep and do not report any discomfort. Throughout the procedure the vital science will be closely monitored. The procedure may be short or lengthy, depending on the complexity of the case. A mouth piece will be used to protect both your teeth and echo- endoscope. The echo-endoscope is then inserted into the mouth, pass through the esophagus, the stomach and into the duodenum. The area of interest is then carefully examined, when indicated samples or obtained using FNA for further analyses. The sound waves emitted through ultrasound transducer that gives the detailed images when the sound wave sound spark and then analyzed. The physician and a therapist see the images to locate abnormal tissue masses or abnormal collections of fluid. In a case of a pancreatic tumor the pathologic area is localized on the ultrasound image. The FNA needle extended from the endoscope head, the lesion is pierced and the needle is moved back and forth several times in multiple area of the lesion to obtain an adequate sample for analyses. On occasion peripancreatic lymph nodes are also sampled to determine if the tumor has spread. The vessels around a pancreas are also closely studied to rule out any type of tumor involvement within a peripancreatic arteries and veins. This is called staging and grading of the pancreatic tumor and this helps to determine how advanced or localized the disease is. FNA samples are frequently read in the room where the procedure is being performed to ensure an adequate sample and an occasion to establish a preliminary diagnosis. This samples are used to diagnose stage, or even rule out the presence of pancreatic disease or cancer to determine the best course of treatment.

Pancreatitis | Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis Nursing Lecture Symptoms, Treatment, Pathophysiology

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Pancreatitis: acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis nursing NCLEX review lecture on symptoms, treatment, pathophysiology, diet, and nursing interventions. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that can lead to the digestion of the pancreas by its own enzymes and/or irreversible structural damage to the organ.

There are two types of pancreatitis: acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. In acute pancreatitis, there is sudden inflammation of the pancreas due to something that has triggered the digestive enzymes to become activated inside the organ (high amylase and lipase levels will be found in the blood) and the pancreas starts to digest itself and swell. Two common causes of acute pancreatitis include: gallstones obstruction and heavy consumption of alcohol. Typically, acute pancreatitis is reversible if the patient is treated promptly.

Chronic pancreatitis is chronic inflammation of the pancreas (can be caused by repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis but most common cause is years of alcohol abuse) that has led to irreversible damage to the structure of pancreas. There will be loss of the function of the endocrine and exocrine cells (acinar and islet of langerhans cells), damaged to the pancreatic duct etc.

Symptoms of pancreatitis include: sudden, very painful mid-epigastric or left upper quadrant which can be felt in the back as well, fever, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, Cullen’s sign, Grey-Turner’s sign, hyperglycemia, dark-urine, jaundice, steatorrhea (oily/fatty stools).

What is Cullen and Grey-Turner’s Sign? Cullen’s Sign is a bluish discoloration around the belly button, whereas Grey-Turner’s Sign is bluish discoloration found on the flanks of the abdomen. They are due to retroperitoneal bleeding. Watch the video for an easy way to remember how to tell them apart.

Nursing interventions for pancreatitis include: maintain NPO status, inserting/monitor NG tube, controlling pain, administering pancreatic enzymes and stomach acid reducers per MD order, assessing urine, hydration status, diet education etc.

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What is pancreatic attack? Symptoms, Treatment & Future Prevention of such Attacks- Dr. Ravindra B S

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Dr Ravindra BS | Appointment Booking No. 8762910298
Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist | Meenakshi Gastro Liver Care,Bengaluru
Pancreatic attack is infection or inflammation of the pancreas. Usually presents with upper abdominal pain above the naval area. Pain radiates from upper abdomen to the back side. Sometimes pateitn can have pain only in the back. Associatedvomiting is seen. Common reasons is alcohol, gall bladder stone if they have more cholesterol, if there is a autoimmune pancreatitis, if there is more calcium deposit.

How to Say Pancreas in Chinese

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To Grow New Pancreatic Beta Cells… Put the Old Ones to Work

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To Grow New Pancreatic Beta Cells... Put the Old Ones to Work

A Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone Disease Grand Rounds presented by Laura C. Alonso, MD, Herbert J. and Ann L Siegal Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Chief, Division of Endocrinology , Diabetes and Metabolism, Director, Weill Center for Metabolic Research, Weill Cornell Medicine
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