#Renalhypoplasia #Renalatrophy
Many people present with one or 2 small or shrunken kidneys and could be secondary to many causes with no or few symptoms. This video is all about these causes and treatment of the same.
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#Renalhypoplasia #Renalatrophy
Many people present with one or 2 small or shrunken kidneys and could be secondary to many causes with no or few symptoms. This video is all about these causes and treatment of the same.
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In this video, we have explained what is atrophy and what are the main types and causes of atrophy.
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#atrophy #whatisatrophy #atrophymadeeasy #atrophyexplained #atrophypathology #atrophymeaning #atrophytypes #medboard
Mrs. Shipra Verma was diagnosed with Kidney atrophy or shrinkage of both kidneys. The level of creatine was very high, so the doctors recommended undergoing dialysis followed by a kidney transplant. The transplant was done successfully and the patient is doing well in her life now.
Dr. Sunil Dharmani, Senior Consultant – Nephrologist & Kidney Transplant Surgeon from NH MMI Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Raipur shares his experience in treating the patient.
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#polycystickidneydisease #mbbsinrussia #kabardino #kabardinobalkaria #kbsu #kabardinobalkaria #medicalfaculty #medicalfaculty
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