Blood Supply to Duodenum and Pancreas
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In this video Doctor O’Donovan explains the Ca 19-9 lab test including 1. What Ca 19-9 is 2. Why the test is used 3. What the result of the test might mean.
Cancer antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) is a protein that exists on the surface of certain cells. CA 19-9 does not cause cancer; rather, it is a protein that is produced by the tumour cells, making it useful as a tumour marker to follow the course of the cancer.
CA 19-9 is elevated in most patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, but it may also be elevated in other cancers and diseases such as bowel cancer, lung cancer and gall bladder cancer, as well as in benign diseases such as gall stones, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, and liver disease. Because elevated levels of CA 19-9 are seen in many diseases, elevated levels do not necessary mean the presence of pancreatic cancer. Very small amounts of CA19-9 may also be found in healthy patients
For more information see:
For more information on pancreatic cancer (including signs and symptoms):
Additional video on pancreatic cancer WARNING SIGNS:
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The pancreas is a high vascular structure and supplied by the
following arteries:
1. Splenic artery, a branch of coeliac trunk: The splenic
artery is the branch of coeliac trunk and it is the main
source of blood supply to the pancreas. Its branches
supply the body and tail of pancreas. Two branches are
named. One large branch which arises near the tail and
runs toward the neck is called arteria pancreatica magna.
Another relatively small branch, which runs toward the
tip of the tail, is termed arteria caudae pancreatica.
2. Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery: The superior
pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of gastroduodenal
3. Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery: The inferior
pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of superior
mesenteric artery.
Both the superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal
arteries divide into anterior and posterior branches, which
run between the concavity of the duodenum and the head of
pancreas. The anastomoses between anterior and posterior
branches form anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal
arterial arcades.
#anatomy #pancreas #tutorial